
Showing posts from October, 2017

Sexual Predators, the Smartphone, and the Collapse of Rome West.

...If you read the book "The Godfather", and then watch the movie, you would probably notice how individually masterful the two stand next to each other. You might also notice a few discrepancies, particularly the fact that the movie basically leaves out that the character of "Jack Wolz", the big Hollywood producer, is a child molester. There is a brief snippet of a mom and her daughter leaving his palace, before he meets with Duvall's character and consequently wakes up with his prized stallion's sawed off head in his bed, but one would have to work to make the deduction from that quick snippet. I know a lot of things get lost in translation from book to film, but I don't think that one necessarily qualifies.   We all know the wolves are out there, it's not a secret. Roman Polanski is still in hiding, and it's not just in Hollywood, although tinsel town is the epi-center of Rome West's why now? What is it about today? How did

The "Message" is Currently Undergoing Routine Maintenance...

...Sorry for the inconvenience. Did you know that it was a mere 100 years ago when the first radios and transmitters made it into the American house-hold? Mass production and assembly lines put the worlds of communication and transportation, and their endless possibilities, into the palm of the average persons hand. The average person responded in kind by trying to make money off of it. At first it was one big cluster fuck. Imagine everyone advertising their products and services on the new magic communicating device, but the technology is so new that there is no organization on the airwaves. Nobody really knows yet, if you broadcast on the same signal as your neighbor down the street, the two signals cancel out and you're left with static. Now, not only can Dr. Smith "not" advertise his home made elixir, but farmer Johnson can't advertise his farm fresh eggs. Enter the formation of the FCC. Back then Americans paid a lot more attention to their government, so they ma