The "Message" is Currently Undergoing Routine Maintenance...

...Sorry for the inconvenience. Did you know that it was a mere 100 years ago when the first radios and transmitters made it into the American house-hold? Mass production and assembly lines put the worlds of communication and transportation, and their endless possibilities, into the palm of the average persons hand. The average person responded in kind by trying to make money off of it. At first it was one big cluster fuck. Imagine everyone advertising their products and services on the new magic communicating device, but the technology is so new that there is no organization on the airwaves. Nobody really knows yet, if you broadcast on the same signal as your neighbor down the street, the two signals cancel out and you're left with static. Now, not only can Dr. Smith "not" advertise his home made elixir, but farmer Johnson can't advertise his farm fresh eggs. Enter the formation of the FCC. Back then Americans paid a lot more attention to their government, so they made sure that the FCC was only allowed to designate playing favorites, no monopolies, minimal government control.
  That's the way it stayed, except for a few tweaks when television came along(TV broadcasts on the low FM band), until 1996. Then along came Bill Clinton and the majority of the democrat and republican congress, and let the wolves in. They changed the rules to allow more "competition" and "innovation" to take place, surrounding the infancy of the internet. The truth was that the competition and innovation was already there, and the result of their treasonous infringement only allowed the media to be bought up, 'conglomerated' or 'merged', if you prefer. Less than ten years after the rule change, the average person was butted out of the media game and major media companies shrunk from about fifty to let's count...Viacom, Disney, NewsCorp, Time Warner, CBS, and that was about it. Actually there's one or two more, but i'll make you do some homework. Fast forward to 2010, the birth of the smartphone. While all of these lies are being perpetrated on the American people by billionaire media execs paying politicians to keep the rules rigged in their favor, social media explodes on the scene. Suddenly, just like 100 years ago, the ability to communicate the "message" is put right back in the palm of the people's hands.
  Now we stand here in 2017, armed with our Facebook pages, and blogs. We have a president, who on the twenty year anniversary of Clinton's FCC act of 1996, won the office with a friggin' twitter account and a shoestring budget, and oh yeah....a "message". What goeth around sureth as hell doth cometh around, I think Shakespeare said that. He was a pretty good communicator too. The media has been broken of it's power thanks to the smartphone, the individual is now the media. The big companies slowly suffocate as ratings slag and businesses seek to advertise elsewhere. This is just the beginning, we're all really just figuring it out. It will take time, but if you can sift through the bullshit and the talking heads, clinging to their jobs(how long will they last?), you will see the brave new world in front of's in the palm of your hand.
