Sexual Predators, the Smartphone, and the Collapse of Rome West.

...If you read the book "The Godfather", and then watch the movie, you would probably notice how individually masterful the two stand next to each other. You might also notice a few discrepancies, particularly the fact that the movie basically leaves out that the character of "Jack Wolz", the big Hollywood producer, is a child molester. There is a brief snippet of a mom and her daughter leaving his palace, before he meets with Duvall's character and consequently wakes up with his prized stallion's sawed off head in his bed, but one would have to work to make the deduction from that quick snippet. I know a lot of things get lost in translation from book to film, but I don't think that one necessarily qualifies.
  We all know the wolves are out there, it's not a secret. Roman Polanski is still in hiding, and it's not just in Hollywood, although tinsel town is the epi-center of Rome West's why now? What is it about today? How did we finally arrive at the ripe moment to expose the bad actors, the predators, the perverts, the rapists...and without getting political, why are we just now attempting to drain the swamp on the west coast as well as the east?
  The answer: The Smartphone. It was movies like "True Romance", "Pulp Fiction", "Good Will Hunting" that nudged me to leave college in Minnesota in the 90's and flirt with Hollywood for a few years. Those movies were all produced by the big rapist himself, Harvey Weinstein. I couldn't stand the filthy stench of Hollywood. I refused to sleep with another dude to get a part, or get in with an agency. I admit in those days I went around to bars and parties on the strip, Santa Monica, etc. looking to hook up with actresses, and with booze in the system I didn't always behave like a gentleman...but I always respected the word "no".
  Back then, the message was suppressed, limited, and depending on how much money one had, victim's voices were bought and buried in the night. Fast forward to today. Several years deep into the era of the smartphone, social media, instant communication...everybody who has a facebook account has that much more of a platform, a voice that can't be removed from the mainstream media outlets. We're just at the beginning, the gears are just now shifting into third from second...Weinstein is a lynch pin, the west coast big-bang of exposing the trash...I almost wonder if Russia was in on this one.
  You may feel alone, like even a Facebook acct. is a whimper in the dark, but you are part of a are plugged into the universal conscience. They say ,'the meek shall inherit the earth', but they didn't say how. I can tell you from my viewpoint, it is through strength in resolve and numbers...keep it up!
  Keep posting, keep hash-tagging, exposing...I'm not encouraging frivolousness, but I also think that at this point that will work itself out as well. If no one can hide in the shadows, we all live in the light, right? I'm #hopeful  
